
ADO レコードセットクローン

Function CloneRecordSet(SourceRecordset As ADODB.Recordset) As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim AdoStrm As New ADODB.Stream
    Set CloneRecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset
    SourceRecordset.Save AdoStrm
    CloneRecordSet.Open AdoStrm
    AdoStrm.Close: Set AdoStrm = Nothing
End Function


access2010 ラベルのフェードアウト表示

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
'    Me.Section(0).BackThemeColorIndex = 1 '背景1:1  背景2:3
'    Me.Section(0).BackShade = 100

    Me.TimerInterval = 0    
    Me.lbl01.ForeThemeColorIndex = Me.Section(0).BackThemeColorIndex
    Me.lbl01.BackStyle = 0 '背景スタイル:透明
    Me.lbl01.BorderStyle = 0 '境界線スタイル:透明
    Me.lbl01.Caption = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error GoTo ErrHnd
    Me.lbl01.ForeShade = Me.lbl01.ForeShade + 10
    Me.TimerInterval = 50
    If Me.Section(0).BackShade < Me.lbl01.ForeShade Then
        Me.TimerInterval = 0
        Me.lbl01.Caption = ""
    End If
Exit Sub
    Me.TimerInterval = 0
    Me.lbl01.Caption = ""
End Sub

Public Sub ShowMsg(MsgString As String)
    Me.TimerInterval = 1000
    Me.lbl01.ForeShade = 0
    Me.lbl01.Caption = MsgString
End Sub


VBA 日付関数草案

Function CutoffDate(ExpressionDate As Date, ByVal CutoffDayNum As Integer) As Date
Dim tmp As String
    tmp = Format(DateAdd("m", 1, ExpressionDate - CutoffDayNum), "yyyy/mm/")
    Do Until IsDate(tmp & CStr(CutoffDayNum))
        CutoffDayNum = CutoffDayNum - 1
    CutoffDate = DateValue(tmp & CStr(CutoffDayNum))
End Function

'隔月:IntervalMonth:Int 0:当月 1:翌月 2:翌々 3:翌々々 ....

Function PayDate(ExpressionDate As Date, IntervalMonth As Integer, ByVal DayNum As Integer) As Date
Dim tmp As String
    tmp = Format(DateAdd("m", IntervalMonth, ExpressionDate), "yyyy/mm/")
    Do Until IsDate(tmp & CStr(DayNum))
        DayNum = DayNum - 1
    PayDate = DateValue(tmp & CStr(DayNum))
End Function

'隔月数IntervalMonth:Int 0:当月 1:翌月 -1:前月
Function StartOfMonth(ExpressionDate As Date, Optional IntervalMonth As Integer = 0)
    StartOfMonth = DateSerial(Year(ExpressionDate), Month(ExpressionDate) + IntervalMonth, 1)
End Function

'隔月数IntervalMonth:Int 0:当月 1:翌月 -1:前月
Function EndOfMonth(ExpressionDate As Date, Optional IntervalMonth As Integer = 0)
    EndOfMonth = DateSerial(Year(ExpressionDate), Month(ExpressionDate) + IntervalMonth + 1, 0)
End Function

VBA 配置済みコントロールからレコードセット作成

'*** セクション内コントロールから0件のレコードセット作成
Public Function EmptyRs(SrcSection As Section) As ADODB.Recordset
On Error GoTo ErrLabel
    Dim ctr As Control
    Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
    For Each ctr In SrcSection.Controls
        rs.Fields.Append ctr.ControlSource, adVarChar, 1
    If rs.Fields.Count > 0 Then
        Set EmptyRs = rs
        Set EmptyRs = Nothing
    End If
    Set rs = Nothing
Exit Function
    If Err.Number = 438 Then Resume Next
End Function


access2010 互換性



customUI xmlnsが違う

access2010 CustomUI

<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui">
  <ribbon startFromScratch="true">
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetFormToolsLayout" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetFormTools" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetReportToolsLayout" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetReportTools" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetRelationshipTools" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetQueryTools" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetMacroTools" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetPivotTableAccess" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetPivotChartAccess" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetTableToolsDatasheet" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetTableToolsDesign" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetFormDatasheet" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetAdpFunctionAndViewTools" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetAdpStoredProcedure" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetPivotChartAccess" visible="false" />
      <tabSet idMso="TabSetAdpDiagram" visible="false" />
    <button idMso="FileSave" visible="false" />
    <button idMso="SaveObjectAs" visible="false" />
    <button idMso="FileSaveAsCurrentFileFormat" visible="false" />
    <button idMso="FileOpen" visible="false" />
    <button idMso="FileCloseDatabase" visible="false" />
    <tab idMso="TabInfo" visible="false" />
    <tab idMso="TabRecent" visible="false" />
    <tab idMso="TabNew" visible="false" />
    <tab idMso="TabPrint" visible="false" />
    <tab idMso="TabShare" visible="false" />
    <tab idMso="TabHelp" visible="false" />
    <button idMso="ApplicationOptionsDialog" visible="false" />
    <button idMso="FileExit" visible="false" />

access2010 contextualTabs tabSet idMso



RibbonUI VBA Callback Signature

要素 コールバック VBAシグネチャ
(複数のコントロール) getDescription Sub GetDescription(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef description)
(複数のコントロール) getEnabled Sub GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef enabled)
(複数のコントロール) getImage Sub GetImage(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef image)
(複数のコントロール) getImageMso Sub GetImageMso(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef imageMso)
comboBox getItemCount Sub GetItemCount(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef count)
dropDown getItemCount Sub GetItemCount(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef count)
gallery getItemCount Sub GetItemCount(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef count)
gallery getItemHeight Sub getItemHeight(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef height)
comboBox getItemID Sub GetItemID(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef id)
dropDown getItemID Sub GetItemID(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef id)
gallery getItemID Sub GetItemID(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef id)
comboBox getItemImage Sub GetItemImage(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef image)
dropDown getItemImage Sub GetItemImage(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef image)
gallery getItemImage Sub GetItemImage(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef image)
comboBox getItemLabel Sub GetItemLabel(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef label)
dropDown getItemLabel Sub GetItemLabel(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef label)
gallery getItemLabel Sub GetItemLabel(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef label)
gallery getItemScreenTip Sub GetItemScreenTip(control As IRibbonControl, index as Integer, ByRef screen)
comboBox getItemScreenTip Sub GetItemScreenTip(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef screentip)
dropDown getItemScreenTip Sub GetItemScreenTip(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef screenTip)
gallery getItemSuperTip Sub GetItemSuperTip (control As IRibbonControl, index as Integer, ByRef screen)
comboBox getItemSuperTip Sub GetItemSuperTip (control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef supertip)
dropDown getItemSuperTip Sub GetItemSuperTip (control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef superTip)
gallery getItemWidth Sub getItemWidth(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef width)
(複数のコントロール) getKeytip Sub GetKeytip (control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label)
(複数のコントロール) getLabel Sub GetLabel(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef label)
checkBox getPressed Sub GetPressed(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnValue)
toggleButton getPressed Sub GetPressed(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnValue)
(複数のコントロール) getScreentip Sub GetScreentip(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef screentip)
(複数のコントロール) getSupertip Sub GetScreentip(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef screentip)
dropDown getSelectedItemID Sub GetSelectedItemID(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef index)
gallery getSelectedItemID Sub GetSelectedItemID(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef index)
dropDown getSelectedItemIndex Sub GetSelectedItemIndex(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef index)
gallery getSelectedItemIndex Sub GetSelectedItemIndex(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef index)
button getShowImage Sub GetShowImage (control As IRibbonControl, ByRef showImage)
button getShowLabel Sub GetShowLabel (control As IRibbonControl, ByRef showLabel)
(複数のコントロール) getSize Sub GetSize(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef size)
comboBox getText Sub GetText(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef text)
editBox getText Sub GetText(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef text)
menuSeparator getTitle Sub GetTitle (control As IRibbonControl, ByRef title)
(複数のコントロール) getVisible Sub GetVisible(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef visible)
customUI loadImage Sub LoadImage(imageId As string, ByRef image)
command onAction Sub OnAction(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef CancelDefault)
button onAction Sub OnAction(control As IRibbonControl)
toggleButton onAction Sub OnAction(control As IRibbonControl, pressed As Boolean)
checkBox onAction Sub OnAction(control As IRibbonControl, pressed As Boolean)
dropDown onAction Sub OnAction(control As IRibbonControl, selectedId As String, selectedIndex As Integer)
gallery onAction Sub OnAction(control As IRibbonControl, selectedId As String, selectedIndex As Integer)
editBox onChange Sub OnChange(control As IRibbonControl, text As String)
comboBox onChange Sub OnChange(control As IRibbonControl, text As String)
customUI onLoad Sub OnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
customUI loadImage Sub LoadImage(imageId As String, ByRef image)
Backstage onHide Sub OnHide(contextObject As Object)
Backstage onShow Sub OnShow(contextObject As Object)
dynamicMenu getContent Sub GetContent(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
(複数のコントロール) getHelperText Sub GetHelperText(control As IRibbonControl, itemIndex as Integer, ByRef returnedVal)
Image Control getAltText Sub GetAltText(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)


ShellSpecialFolderConstants Enumeration

ShellSpecialFolderConstants Enumeration
Sub sample()
    Debug.Print CreateObject("Shell.Application").NameSpace(&H27)
    Debug.Print CreateObject("Shell.Application").NameSpace(&H27).self.Path
End Sub


access2010 CustomUI xml読み込んでからのRibbon設定

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Me.RibbonName = rbn01.rbnName
End Sub
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private rbn As IRibbonUI

Public Const rbnName = "rbnName"
Private Const xmlFilePath = "xmlFileFullPath"

Public Function OnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
    Set rbn = ribbon
End Function

Public Sub CreateRibbon()
    If Not rbn Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Dim xmldoc As Object
    Set xmldoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    xmldoc.Load xmlFilePath
    Application.LoadCustomUI rbnName, xmldoc.xml
    Set xmldoc = Nothing
End Sub


access2010 AllowBypasskey Tool

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Me.RecordSelectors = False
    Me.NavigationButtons = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDelAllowBypassKey_Click()
On Error Resume Next
    CurrentDb.Properties.Delete "AllowBypassKey"
End Sub

Private Sub tglAllowBypasskey_Click()
    With Me.tglAllowBypasskey
        SetBypassProperty .Value
        .Caption = "AllowBypasskey = " & CBool(.Value)
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub SetBypassProperty(fBool As Boolean)
Const DB_Boolean As Long = 1
    ChangeProperty "AllowBypassKey", DB_Boolean, fBool
End Sub

Private Sub SettglAllowBypasskey()
On Error GoTo ErrHnd
    With Me.tglAllowBypasskey
        .Value = CurrentDb.Properties("AllowBypassKey")
        .Caption = "AllowBypasskey = " & .Value
    End With
Exit Sub
    If Err.Number = 3270 Then
        Me.tglAllowBypasskey.Caption = "未設定"
        Me.tglAllowBypasskey = True
        MsgBox Err.Number
    End If
End Sub

Private Function ChangeProperty(strPropName As String, _
                                varPropType As Variant, _
                                varPropValue As Variant) As Integer

    Dim dbs As Object, prp As Variant
    Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270

    Set dbs = CurrentDb
    On Error GoTo Change_Err
    dbs.Properties(strPropName) = varPropValue
    ChangeProperty = True

    Exit Function

    If Err = conPropNotFoundError Then ' プロパティが見つからないエラーの場合。
        Set prp = dbs.CreateProperty(strPropName, _
                                     varPropType, varPropValue)
        dbs.Properties.Append prp
        Resume Next
        ' 不明なエラーの場合。
        ChangeProperty = False
        Resume Change_Bye
    End If
End Function

access2010 SharedResources Tool

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private objFileSys As Object
Private objShell As Object

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Me.RecordSelectors = False
    Me.NavigationButtons = False
    Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Close()
    Set objFileSys = Nothing
    Set objShell = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub addImage(imgnamestring As Variant, fullpathstring As Variant)
On Error Resume Next
    CurrentProject.AddSharedImage imgnamestring, fullpathstring
End Sub

Private Sub listResources()
    Dim Srs As SharedResources
    Dim Sr As SharedResource
    Set Srs = CurrentProject.Resources
    For Each Sr In Srs
        Debug.Print Sr.Name, Sr.Type
End Sub

Private Sub delResource(resourcenamestring As String)
    Dim Srs As SharedResources
    Dim Sr As SharedResource

    Set Srs = CurrentProject.Resources
    For Each Sr In Srs
        If Sr.Name = resourcenamestring Then Sr.Delete
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDelResource_Click()
    If IsNull(Me.lstResources) Then Exit Sub
    delResource Me.lstResources
End Sub

Private Sub cmdImageFile_Click()
    Dim fdialog As Office.FileDialog
    Dim varFilePath As Variant
    Set fdialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    With fdialog
        .AllowMultiSelect = True
        .Title = "ImageFileSelect"
        .Filters.Add "ImageFile", "*.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png"
        .Filters.Add "すべてのファイル", "*.*"
        .InitialFileName = objShell.Namespace(&H27).self.Path & "\"
        If .Show = True Then
            For Each varFilePath In .SelectedItems
                addImage objFileSys.getbasename(varFilePath), varFilePath
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdThemeFile_Click()
    CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("ThemeBrowseForThemes")
End Sub

Private Sub SetlstResoueces()
    Dim rs As Recordset
    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select Name,Type from MSysResources order by Type;", dbReadOnly)
    Set Me.lstResources.Recordset = rs.Clone
    rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing
    Me.lstResources = Null
End Sub