Option Compare Database Option Explicit Declare PtrSafe Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long Sub test0() Dim i As Long, Counts As Long For i = 1 To 10 Counts = test Debug.Print i, Counts Next Debug.Print Now End Sub Function test() As Long Dim dbs As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset, i As Long Set dbs = CurrentDb i = GetTickCount Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("select * from tbl01 WHERE Code = 1000 Order By FDate desc;") Do Until rs.EOF rs.MoveNext Loop rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing dbs.Close: Set dbs = Nothing test = GetTickCount - i End Function
1 109 2 62 3 63 4 24523 5 4852 6 62 7 63 8 62 9 62 10 63 2011/07/17 17:38:50
--------------------------------------------- DATE: 0 VER: 14.00.6023 NOTE: Currently does not handle subqueries, vt parameters, and subqueries NOTE: You may see ERROR messages in these cases --- temp query --- - Inputs to Query - Table 'tbl01' - End inputs to Query - 01) Restrict rows of table tbl01 using rushmore for expression "Code=1000" 02) Sort result of '01)' --- temp query --- - Inputs to Query - Table 'tbl01' - End inputs to Query - 01) Restrict rows of table tbl01 using rushmore for expression "Code=1000" 02) Sort result of '01)' --- temp query --- - Inputs to Query - Table 'tbl01' - End inputs to Query - 01) Restrict rows of table tbl01 using rushmore for expression "Code=1000" 02) Sort result of '01)' --- temp query --- - Inputs to Query - Table 'tbl01' - End inputs to Query - 01) Restrict rows of table tbl01 using rushmore for expression "Code=1000" 02) Sort result of '01)' --- temp query --- - Inputs to Query - Table 'tbl01' - End inputs to Query - 01) Restrict rows of table tbl01 using rushmore for expression "Code=1000" 02) Sort result of '01)' --- temp query --- - Inputs to Query - Table 'tbl01' - End inputs to Query - 01) Restrict rows of table tbl01 using rushmore for expression "Code=1000" 02) Sort result of '01)' --- temp query --- - Inputs to Query - Table 'tbl01' - End inputs to Query - 01) Restrict rows of table tbl01 using rushmore for expression "Code=1000" 02) Sort result of '01)' --- temp query --- - Inputs to Query - Table 'tbl01' - End inputs to Query - 01) Restrict rows of table tbl01 using rushmore for expression "Code=1000" 02) Sort result of '01)' --- temp query --- - Inputs to Query - Table 'tbl01' - End inputs to Query - 01) Restrict rows of table tbl01 using rushmore for expression "Code=1000" 02) Sort result of '01)' --- temp query --- - Inputs to Query - Table 'tbl01' - End inputs to Query - 01) Restrict rows of table tbl01 using rushmore for expression "Code=1000" 02) Sort result of '01)'
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