Description of the Access Connectivity Engine 2010 hotfix package (Ace-x-none.msp): April 24, 2012
・4GB超のtextファイルをPowerPivot for Excel 2010にインポートしたとき、成功したかに見せかけて成功していない。そしてWarningがでると。えっ、4GB?
Issue that this hotfix package fixes
When you import data from a .csv file or from an .xls file to an .accdb file in Microsoft Access 2010, it takes a longer time than if you import the same data to an .mdb file.
When you try to update the table data by using the UPDATE SQL statement in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code, Access 2010 crashes.
When you try to import a text file that is larger than 4 gigabytes (GB) into Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010, the operation seems to succeed. However, not all data is imported. Additionally, you do not receive a warning message when this occurs.
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